Monday, October 15, 2007

Fun Fact #2: I'm great with nicknames

I've decided to record my reasoning for all the random nicknames that I came up, and people used, throughout college for posterity's sake. I figure it'll be useful to have someplace to look back on and be like, "Oh, so that's why I call her Ronnie". So here's the list of the nicknames that I think are worthy of being recorded.

Ronnie: As we all know "Ronnie" is a name fitting only for a pedophile (this has since been confirmed in the movie "Little Children"), so how did poor Erin end up with such a winning nickname? Basically I was bored, and probably drunk, and decided Erin rhymed with Aron and Ronnie just developed from that point on. Ronnels is another winning play on Ronnie that was sometimes used.

: This one seems pretty obvious, Rachel leads Ray which turns in Ray-Ray. But even such a simple nickname has so many special memories attached to it. Such as when it became "VP Ray-Ray, the Betrayer" due to her refusal to have a sick friend over. Or my personal favorite, when it became "Wei-Wei" for a short while due to the vast similarities between Ray and "Wei-Wei", a character in "Stick It", which is an amazingly weird film. In hindsight, I think I was the only one who really thought that nickname was funny...

Hannah, Blonde and Stupid: Though Hannah now goes by Nanners, her original nickname of "Hannah, Blonde and Stupid", HBS for short, (an obvious ode to "Sarah, Plain and Tall") was far better and I'm sad that it didn't stick. I truly don't remember how Hannah earned such an amazing nickname, but it must've been something exceptionally stupid or because I was just kind of being a bitch. This nickname may seem really mean, but it was always said with affection.

Cum Dumpster: Sadly, no one really uses this name for Rose anymore, with the loan exception of HBS (I'm totally bringing that nickname back). This nickname stemmed from a dull night involving Rose and I looking up sexual slurs on wikipedia. "Cum Dumpster" was obviously the catchiest sexual slur on there and it stuck after becoming her nickname during a game of beer pong. It was affectionately shortened to Cummy and was even used to the general public. Certain people, especially HBS, would occasionally shout it in front for young children.

CKC: This stands for "Cancer Kelly C." and was created solely as an attempt to stop CKC from slowly killing herself through smoking. Though the nickname has stuck, CKC still smokes which shows that the creation of the nickname was in vain. But future lung cancer and CKC did become closely associated, to the point that she received a homemade cake in the image of a cigarette (though some people couldn't tell what it was). If CKC continues to smoke, I plan to instruct her children to refer to her as "Mom CKC".

: I saved this one for last because I refuse to go into the details of the creation of this nickname solely because it makes me sound like a horrible individual. Let's just say that the night involved heaving drinking of Manischewitz and conversations about major life choices that are not generally compatible with alcohol. That night actually ended with a game of "catch the keys", a supposed sobriety test, in which I chucked the keys at Ray-Ray's face and she collapsed onto the lawn making people think I had actually injured her (which was totally not the case). But the name Downy has stuck, much to Laurel's chagrin, and many people think that it actually refers to the way she used to act when she got drunk. But let me go on record and say that's totally not what it refers to.

So those are the memorable nicknames I remember people using in college. Luckily I never received one because I basically refused to answer to them and would get sulky if certain stupid ones were used (such as Stubby).

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