Monday, October 29, 2007

Fun Fact #10: I'm becoming more emotional

Anyone who knows me at all knows that I don't show much emotion and that sometimes flinch when certain people touch me,which makes me sometimes appear to be an elitist bitch (though my totally not). But I think my experiences in Pittsburgh are making me into a more sensitive individual for better or worse.

I have developed a tendency to cry when I watch certain crappy TV shows. I used to occasionally cry with shows, such as that one brutal episode of Grey's Anatomy where the mom has to tell her daughter that she'll be dead from cancer in a matter of months. I also cried hysterically with one episode of Futurama, which I rarely watch, because it involved a dog waiting until his death for his master to return home because his master promised him that he'd return. Just try to watch the final scene without tearing up a little...

But recently I've started to cry whenever I watch a episode of Cold Case. Now I don't even like Cold Case or think it's a particularly good show, so I don't even really know why I watch it.

And it's not the whole show that gets to me, it's the last like three minutes. All the episodes end with this montage in which the dead person (who almost always died some years ago) stares at their friends and loved ones in the present day while some melodramatic song plays in the background. This usually includes the person who killed them, because the show stresses the idea that people you trust will one day kill you and that justice will only be served by an intrepid detective (with horrible hair) and her team. And the part that inevitably sets me off on a crying jag is when the dead person lovingly looks at the person who cared most about them when they were alive. I really don't know what's become of me.

Sometimes these scenes are well done, but most times they're just hokey. They shouldn't cause me to cry, but for some reason they do. I think I need to stop watching the show before I become too sensitive for my own good. My future career plans, though they've toned down a lot, still call for me to be an insensitive bitch most of the time.

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