Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fun Fact #25: I think I'm allergic to my new face lotion

It's super cold here in Pittsburgh, Monday's high was only like 15 degrees, and the heating units everywhere are going full blast. The cold weather plus the heat wrecks havoc upon my skin and I've never been more dry and flaky in my entire life. I constantly complain about it but it doesn't seem to really fix anything.

So I decided to by some super moisturizing lotion at Target in hopes of rectifying the situation. I slathered the lotion all over my face before I went to bed. It started to sting a little, but I ignored it and went to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like my face is buring and I looked in the mirror and saw that my skin was all red and my eyes were almost swollen shut. It was quite the vision. I took an emergency shower and things looked slightly better in the morning, but it was still not a fun situation.

At my worst, I feel that I looked somewhat similar to Quasimodo. Luckily there was no one around to see me in all my hideous glory and I'm at work now looking like a human being, albeit a slightly red one.
This is a lovely rendering of the image I saw in the mirror last night

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