Saturday, December 1, 2007

Fun Fact #20: Pittsburgh is definitely a hunting town

Today I was driving to Target when I looked in my review mirror and almost vomited. There, right behind me, was a car with a DEAD DEER hooked to the top. It wasn't covered up or anything. It's not like I was driving through some backwoods area where I'd expect to see poor dead Bambis. No, I was on a busy road, stuck in traffic, surrounded by at least one hundred other cars.

The deer had obviously been gutted and you could see the open cavity (including blood!!) when the car was behind me. I could see poor Bambi's face and the bullet hole in its head when the car pulled ahead of me. I managed to get a picture of the deer when the car was beside me, so I could share my horror with the world.

Pittsburgh is just such a weird city sometimes, I've never seen anything like this elsewhere. It actually made me miss all the hippies of Eugene.

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